HR Marketing Business is proud of its network of successful distributors and has developed a wide range of recognition system. Additionally, as you achieve new levels of recognition, your income will also increase. Distributors who are climbing the first steps of the HR Marketing Success ladder and who comply with all the criteria within the HR Marketing rules of conduct are eligible to receive following Pin Levels for both sponsoring and retailing.
Distributors Recognition Levels and Rewards
The following HR Marketing Pin Levels of achievement are recognized as your business continues to grow. Rewards are calculated on either business groups or legs (Down line Distributors). A distributors business group refers to all distributors sponsored directly or indirectly with his organization, excluding direct distributors and their down lines. A leg consists of a distributor you directly sponsor (also referred as front liner) and all the members down the line to the bottom of the line of sponsorship. The awards for the following levels are presented by HR Marketing.